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Child Residence and Contact

Child Residence and Contact

Issues concerning the children of a relationship are quite often the most difficult matter, from an emotional point of view, to negotiate and resolve between parties.  If such matters cannot be agreed between the parties, then the Court can be asked to consider and make a decision.

It is always better that parents try and agree the arrangements for the children between them, but in situation where that has not been possible, the Court can intervene and make an Order regulating the residence and contact arrangements.  If the Court is required to do so, then its focus will be on what it is best for the children.  The Court will also require to be satisfied that the Order being sought is necessary and that it is better for the children that an order be made than no order be made.  The Court will ordinarily give children an opportunity to express their views about the arrangements for their care and upbringing.

What about child maintenance?

An assessment for child maintenance can be made by the Child Maintenance Service and not by the Court.  The Child Maintenance Service has telephone advice services and also an online maintenance calculator.  The online maintenance calculator can be accessed via the following link, Child Maintenance Calculator  The arrangements for payment of maintenance can be recorded in a Minute of Agreement.

If you have concerns about the reliability of child maintenance payments, it is probably best to include a provision within any Minute of Agreement.

What about cost?

Matrimonial work varies a great deal as every case is different; there are always individual circumstances and outlooks.  It is usually charged for on a time and line basis in detail based on the work which has been undertaken.  We will issue regular interim fee-notes so you are informed about the costs and can pay as your case progresses.

To make an appointment with our lawyers based in Alloa and Falkirk, call us today on 01324 622 888 or complete our online enquiry form and let us see how we can help you.